To Coach or Mentor- is Team Coaching for Me?

To Coach or Mentor- is Team Coaching for Me?

Look back on your time as a newbie in the business world. Do you remember how eager you were to learn and how much you longed for a senior’s support? Chances are that your juniors are in that same position today: hopeful for team coaching to steer them to success.

The COVID pandemic has redefined the roles of a leader. Today’s leaders must inspire and drive their teams to achieve goals without experiencing the brunt of burnout. Psychological well-being and high-level performance go hand-in-hand to deliver organizational results.

If you want to advance your professional career and demonstrate your leadership aptitude, you must deliver the right team support. Delving deep into coaching techniques can be the way to go for boosting your team’s performance and efficiency in the long run.

What is Team Coaching?

Team coaching is different from mentoring. Mentoring involves sharing your experiences and knowledge with others so they can learn and grow. In contrast, coaching focuses on equipping others with the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential. Let’s look at the essential difference between these two terms:

  • What is Mentoring? Mentoring means advising or giving direction to less experienced mentees so that they can achieve personal or professional success. Mentors speak about their personal experiences and learnings. They take insights from their past journey and share them with the mentees to help them grow.
  • What is Coaching? Coaching is a development-focused strategy to support learners reach specific goals. Coaches motivate teams to unlock their potential in a way that best suits their roles, skills, and capabilities. They tailor their support to the team’s requirements. They share thought-provoking ideas to fuel the learners’ growth.

A proficient leader can create optimal results with the team by implementing coaching tactics. They can drive the following benefits by pursuing the path of team coaching:

  • Building team cohesion to promote better collaborations among members
  • Supporting each team member to achieve their individual and group goals
  • Creating a supportive climate for easy conflict resolution
  • Developing a high-performance culture by inspiring every member to maximize their potential

How to Know?

Now that you know how mentoring and coaching differ from one another, how do you choose? You can assess if coaching is the way to go for you by answering these questions:

  • Does your team has predetermined learning goals?
  • Does your team need a focused plan of action to develop their skills?
  • Do you have a talent for sharing motivational messages and spurring action among people?
  • Are you ready to work hard to stimulate this change?

You can upskill yourself for a leadership role by completing an ICF-accredited team coaching training course. Team Coaching Institute’s specialists will support you in unravelling the top techniques for coaching your team to success.


Team coaching is the best way to simultaneously support a group of talented executives. Coaching them in a team setting can build their interpersonal and individual skills, contributing to better results for the business. If you are excited about the prospect of unlocking tremendous success, reach out to Team Transformation today.