Coaching has increased its presence, up to 35% in 2019. Globally, it is estimated that there were approximately 71,000 coach practitioners in 2019. With coaching becoming a necessity, the number of leaders and managers using coaching skills has almost doubled. Whether you’re want to become a professional coach or looking for a professional certified coach training program, knowing about Online Coaching Certification can help you draw a picture of the coaching journey. In this article, we have answered all the coaching queries that can help you better understand about coaching.

What is coaching?

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment.

What does “accredited coaching program” mean?

Whether it’s an online coaching certification course or in-person coach training, “accredited” means the course provider has certification from a globally recognized coaching body. In the coaching industry, ICF (International Coach Federation) is the gold standard in accreditation.

Is there any difference between online coaching certification and in-person coaching certification courses?

There should not be any difference between online coaching certification and in-person coaching certification training as the curriculum must be approved and common, whether conducted virtually or in-person.

What is ICF in coaching?

International Coach Federation (ICF) is the world’s largest organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification. ICF offers the only globally recognized, independent credentialing program for coach practitioners.

Where can I join ICF-accredited coach training programs?

Team Transformation provides the best ICF-accredited coach training programs for leaders, managers, executives, and coaches who wish to expand their coaching skills. We provide online coaching certification as well as in-person coaching certification courses.

How will I know which course to choose?

We always recommend our students to consider their learning habit, budget, timeframe for completion, and goals when selecting a coach training program. If you’re unsure of what you should do, our Course Consultant can help you decide.

Do I need to be tech-savvy to learn an online coaching certification course?

Many people are technology shy and have never used Zoom or GoToMeeting or any other LMS, and are not computer savvy. You don’t have to be an expert. If you have never participated in a virtual class, we have a detailed guide showing you what to expect.

What happens after I complete a coach training course?

Depending upon the coach training course you complete, you receive certification. If your training provider is accredited with any coach association (ICF, EMCC, or any other globally recognized coaching body), you may receive training hours to use towards your credentialing. You may receive a certification of completion from your training academy or provider. Team Transformation provides Certification of Completion (including ICF training hours completed).

I’m a Finance Manager. Will learning coaching skills benefit me?

Coaching is beneficial for all individuals, whether seeking personal or professional upskilling. You become an empathetic listener, create your own approach to achieve goals, build emotional awareness, improve specific skills, boost employee morale, and more. 

Does anyone provide a sample class/introductory class to understand better about coaching?

Coach Transformation Academy provides free coaching class for those who wish to understand more about coaching and how it can align with their current profession.

To conclude :

Team Transformation provides coach training courses for professionals who wish to become Team Coach, Executive Coach, and Leadership Development Coach. We offer online coaching certification training and in-person coach training courses – all ICF-accredited, supporting you to learn the gold standard in coaching. Did we miss anything in the questions that you want to know? Comment here, and we’ll answer your query!