Help your team to make the most of WFH with Team Coaching

With most of us working from home, coordinating, and working collectively as a team has been a stress for many. An entrepreneur, a professional, a working parent, everyone working from home with a team has their own challenges.

Maybe your team is drifting away from the common goals; possibly they’re not able to give their best. Team performance is influenced by many factors, which you never contemplated before, especially during these strange times.

With Team Coaching, you can help your team members realize their true potential and make the most of the work from home scenario.

What is Team Coaching?

With the emergence of the use of team coaching in modern businesses, team coaching is often confused with team facilitation and group coaching.

In simpler terms, Team Coaching is partnering with the team in a way that – inspires them to maximize their intelligence and potential to reach their common purpose and shared goals.

Even the people queued up at the gas station have one common goal – to fill up their vehicles. Neither of them interacts regularly, nor are they accountable to one other. A team implies a commitment to a shared purpose and collective accountability for accomplishing it.

Why do you need Team Coaching?

Remember how we act upon receiving a new project? All the team members are excited to work on the project, and initially, the teamwork will often be productive.

Then with the time, that fizz of excitement fades, and people may get panicky to mark that task as complete within the deadline. How productive and focused will you be while working in that urgency spurts?

Question yourself and your team(s):

  • Do you have a team agreement and stakeholder map?
  • Do you have team norms that you collectively agreed upon to resolve your common issues?
  • Do you think as an individual or as a team?
  • Do you support individualism?
  • Is your team flexible and adaptable to new changes?
  • How will you measure the agility and approachability of your team?

Many such questions will stimulate your thinking as to why and when team coaching can be beneficial for your team. According to the Analysis of the Effect of Coaching on Teamwork Performance by Neil Aldrin – Before applying team coaching technique, the results obtained were 58.67%. And after the coaching, the results showed an average of 68.53%.

Team coaching is not just intelligence, but in practice, that is how teams can apply coaching in their daily struggles, especially in collective work.

From a coaching perspective

Each member’s job is essential. Everyone has a specific role and responsibilities. A team coach identifies which skills and techniques can be taught individually and those that require groups.

Establishing a reliable working team within an organization is not something to overlook. To be able to provide and get the desired result in an organization, a team cannot work on individual goals.

Team coaching techniques can improve performance, communication, mutual respect within team members, and resolve team conflicts.

A Team Coach works closely with a team to assess the current standing of the team. With the data and insights gained from team assessments, a team coach helps to create a model or structure to support the collective goals concerning organizational context. This model or structure is based on the stakeholders’ goals, processes, shared experiences, and collective interpersonal awareness.


From understanding team dynamics to intensive teamwork and collaboration, all team coaching skills and techniques boil down to one goal – what does the next-level team performance look like for you? Want to learn more about team coaching and its benefits?

Few team coaching techniques that you can use

Ask open-ended questions: Open-ended, guiding questions lead to more accurate and reflective answers. It’s a great way to understand your team member’s reactions and behavior towards work. Are they curious about their responsibilities? What kind of attitude they have towards their work?

Listen mindfully: Your team members are likely to have a lot of input, questions, and feedback. Each of them will have different preferences, personalities, and motivations. The key to active listening is to understand where their “why” comes from and what their preferred “how” looks like.

Provide a clear vision: Your team members should have a clear vision about their roles and responsibilities. Help them clearly define and outline what needs to happen next. Talk to them clearly on the practical actions they can take to make changes and improve.

Open, engaging communications: Encourage your team members to get to know one another and encourage collaboration with one another daily. This will prevent the team from toxic communications and conflicts.

Continuous learning: Provide room to your team to grow and develop their skills. Support them to explore opportunities and ideas outside the organization. This also leads to initiatives and creativity among team members.

Do you want to create a harmonious balance among your team members? Team Coaching has many such effective techniques and proven methods through which your team can align and work collectively towards large, success-driven results.