The past few years have put the companies in UAE under extreme pressure. Workspaces have become more complex, and the demanding corporate environment nowadays sustains resilience and agility. Currently, numerous enterprises are investing in executive coaching to harness their resources and respond to industry disruptions.
Executive Coaching produced 78% of ROI for the Fortune 500 Companies. 86% of organizations observe an exponential increase in their ROI with coaching engagements, and seeking the aid of an executive coach has become imperative for organizations to grow and prosper. As a result, Executive coaching training in UAE is sought by individuals and companies due to the enormous growth prospect, and if you want to get started, here is a brief guide for you.
Steps to Follow
Many accreditation bodies, like ICF and EMCC to BCC, are available for you to get certified. However, these bodies do not provide training, and hence, you have to go through their approved training providers. The process remains similar for most credential bodies.
- Coach-specific Training
Executive coaching training differs from one trainer to other. However, all coaches have to learn about the code of ethics and gain in-depth knowledge of coaching competencies. Executives need to adapt to the constantly changing business environment and create a positive impact through influential leadership, which is why executive training programs are also based on sharpening leadership and coaching skills.
- Experience
The next step is completing the coaching hours. Every coaching body has its own requirements for these “experience hours”. These experience hours are the hours documented by you for applying to the body. For instance, for ICF-ACC Credential, an aspiring coach must complete 100 experience hours, among which 70 should be paid, and 25 must be within 18 months of the application. You can start coaching after completing your coach-specific training.
- Certificate
When we say certification here, we need to be clear on what certification we are talking about. You will receive a certificate for completing the course. For additional certificates like ICF or EMCC, you need to complete the training and gain enough experience hours.
Why Choose Team Transformation?
If you are searching for Executive coaching training in UAE, you can check Team Transformation. Equipped with a global network of certified coaches, the institute offers the highest standard of coach training. The world-class workshops and interactive online training programs are designed for leaders, coaches, and executives to reach their full potential. While acquiring theoretical knowledge, coaches can also get acquainted with the practical aspects of executive coaching.
The students are from diverse backgrounds, with a common interest in developing coaching skills and applying them in practical scenarios. Are you interested in gaining skills that make you a better human and leader? This is the opportunity to become a coach.