Becoming a Team Coach in Dubai

Becoming a Team Coach in Dubai

Team Coaching has garnered immense traction in recent times, owing to its manifold benefits for the corporate sector worldwide, including Dubai. As per ICF (International Coaching Federation), over 86% of the organization that invested in coaching initiatives garnered significant ROI. In a survey conducted with Fortune 500 companies, 77% of the respondents agreed that coaching improved their business output. More than 70% of corporate employees who received team coaching experienced increased productivity. 99% of the companies that invested in coaching for organizational improvement were either “satisfied” or “very satisfied.” These global stats further prove that becoming a team coach in Dubai would be a great career move for aspirants at present and in the days to come.

In this blog, we will explore the crests and troughs of the profession of a team coach. So, if you are interested in pursuing that career path then read on to know more.

Definition of a team coach

Let’s start by defining a team coach. As per ICF, a team coach is a certified professional who collaborates in a reflective and creative process with a team, addressing the relationships and dynamics within to motivate the team members to surpass their potentials towards the fulfillment of common or shared goals.

The purpose of the coaching profession is to help each member identify their individual and collective shortcomings or loopholes and work on the same for enhanced productivity as a unit. The process promotes both personal as well as organizational growth. The team coach uses multiple techniques ranging from one-to-one sessions to group sessions for improvement of team bonding and performance.

Reasons why Team Coaches are in Demand

The coaching industry is expected to surpass the $20 billion mark, and a significant portion of that market share owes to the coaches serving the corporate world. Why the consistent increase in demand for team coaches across the corporate ecosystem? It’s because team coaching can deliver powerful results:.

  • Aid in conflict resolution without hampering the workflow.
  • Well-crafted sessions to identify high-potential team.
  • Lay the foundation for a cohesive team that would not hamper the organizational framework.
  • Foster a motivating work environment that enables the employees to deliver the best results even under high pressure.
  • Convergence of team objectives with organizational goals.
  • Foster an environment of transparency regarding what kind of behavior is expected and acceptable.

These are a few of the many benefits of team coaching, which is slowly gaining a strong foothold in corporate wellbeing strategies.


Are you interested in becoming a team coach in Dubai? Do you want to shape your career in that direction? Then first, you need an accredited institute that would help you get the certification to start practicing. If you are looking for local guidance and accessibility, then Team Transformation is just the one for you. Team Transformation offers team coaching courses as per the ICF standards and guidelines, helping professionals expand their credibility as certified coaches. Check out the courses today and embark on the fulfilling journey of becoming a team coach in Dubai.