Becoming a leadership coach: How to get started

Becoming a leadership coach: How to get started

Many leaders and managers that I have struck a conversation with get conflicted with the common dilemma of why they should adopt coaching skills. Should they start their private practice? Should they join an organization or look into specialization and pursue that? Having gone through the same predicament when I was fresh out with a coaching certification, I recommend them the road that I took to further my career as a coach. I decided to become a leadership coach and enrolled in a specialized training program.

Forbes and ICF (International Coaching Federation) published a few results on leadership coaching among leaders in the corporate and business world:

  • 70% of people undergoing leadership coaching benefit from performance improvement, and enhance interpersonal and communication skills.
  • 80% of the organizations investing in leadership coaches (in-house) speak of significant ROI in the form of organizational upliftment.
  • 96% of the organizations agree on investing in leadership coaching programs among the senior executive ranks.
  • 99% of the companies expressed satisfaction after investing in leadership coaching programs for the personnel.

Acquiring coaching skills is beneficial for a coaching professional and for people holding a leadership position within an organization.

What is Leadership Coaching?

A leadership coach works with the Alphas of the society. Their clients can be CEOs, senior executives, political leaders, organizational heads, and even Presidents and Prime Ministers. Now, you might think, why would these top-tier entities need coaching? Aren’t they well sorted in their roles and leadership positions? Well, not necessarily. Self-doubt and low self-esteem are parts and parcels of human nature, it comes and goes, and even leaders are not immune to sudden bouts of psychological distress. Getting lost in negative space is just not an option. That’s where the need for leadership coaching arises.

To put it in coaching terms, leadership coaching can be defined as an individualized approach towards augmenting a leader’s ability to accomplish both short and long-term goals (personal and organizational). One should not confuse it with consulting, counseling, or mentoring. Leadership coaching enables the client to:

  • Strike a work and life balance.
  • Nurture interpersonal relationships and improve their conduct.
  • Communicate better with peers and subordinates.
  • Surpass their potential through exceptional work owing to the empowerment bestowed by coaching.
  • Gain a fresh perspective on their role and responsibilities.

Enhance their performance through learning and implementation of advanced leadership skills and techniques.

How to become a Leadership Coach by Choosing the Right Program?

To become a leadership coach, choosing the right training program is essential.

  • Check the accreditations of the courses and providers.
  • Check out the convenience of the mode of training, duration, flexibility, language, modules, continuing education, etc.
  • What kind of assignments do they offer?
  • Look out for the post-training support and continuous learning options (if provided).
  • Which certifications do you get upon course completion?
  • Course structure, methodology, payment plans, training duration, everything counts in coach training.


I would recommend that you seek free consultation from the training institute before signing up for any program. That way, you will know what you can expect from the program and if the curriculum is fulfilling your expectations.

Do you want to become a Leadership Coach? I suggest starting with Team Transformation Leadership Coaching Certification training course. I pursued my leadership coaching training and got certified from Team Transformation Institute. With its global reach, the institute is recognized in the coaching community owing to its advanced coach training programs, pathways, and modules, all accredited by the International Coaching Federation.