3 Key Traits to Focus on to Become a Great Professional Coach

As you climb the success ladder in your career, you are assigned the roles and responsibilities that require you to coach subordinates and motivate them to work towards the shared goals. The best way to become more aware of your strengths, and lead a quality life is by investing in professional coaching certification. This way, you not only become fully capable of carrying out your responsibilities as a senior executive, a manager, or a leader but also transition as a coach.

Since today’s organizations are willing to assign a professional coach to address issues with leaders, becoming a certified professional coach can open umpteen opportunities.

Here, we are going to discuss five key traits of a professional coach.

1. A Perceptive Coaching Philosophy

As a professional coach, you often work with C-suite executives, directors, and managers. Sometimes, you will coach individuals and, other times, you will coach entire teams and organizations. You are expected to provide a safe and trustworthy environment to learn and grow while coaching.

Therefore, you need to form a sound coaching philosophy that should:

  • Describe the primary purpose of coaching and helping your clients achieve their short-term and long-term goals
  • Align with your core values, ethics, and beliefs as a coach
  • Assist your clients in identifying their value and potential

2. Know The Difference Between Coaching And Advising

As most people often exchange the word ‘consulting’ with ‘advising,’ it should not be done in coaching. It’s because there is a notable difference between coaching and advising. As a coach, you understand and respect that.

Professional coaches take a different approach while delivering organizational and leadership value. They support in achieving results by developing behavior change, skills, and competencies required for success.

On the other hand, an advisor’s primary goal is to deliver expertise, answers, and solutions rather than enabling clients to do the same.

3. Dedicated To Lifelong, Experiential Learning

At present, there are multiple coaching institutes and professional coaching certification programs out there. Do all of them make an individual a great coach? No. So, what makes a coach great? It is the thirst for life-long learning. It is your desire to gain experience and become a better version. This is what keeps you at the top in the realm of professional coaching.

Commitment to life-long learning is becoming more crucial than ever. It’s because what you have learned years ago may not keep you competitive and at the forefront of what your prospects may need from you today. Especially in Dubai, where the business world is moving faster and transforming rapidly, you need to widen the horizon of your learning, experience, and certifications.

Become a certified professional coach with Team Transformation. We provide ICF accredited professional coaching certification programs offered by world-class professional coaches.